Thursday, January 17, 2008

Twenty Two

Hello Gentle Readers,

  This is the way in which my super-cool, soft-spoken English teacher addresses us, the class, in her emails to us.  So, I thought that I would update you on that first of all, and secondly to give credit to her for that fine phrase so I don't get charged with plagiarism with what is only my third attempt at blogging.  Anyways, I digress

  Twenty two.  The importance of this number is indicated/implied by the title of this blog.  Why twenty two, you may ask yourselves?  What is the reason for this obscure number taking the title of one of the infinite pages of cyberspace that chronicles the thoughts, ideas, and daily life of a college student?  I'll tell you why!  Because that is how many profile views I have already!  Twenty two!  Actually, I prefer to write it out 22 because I think it looks bigger.  This useful little tool on the side of my dashboard (tech speak for how I view and manage my own profile) tells me how to measure myself against other bloggers by telling me the exact number of people who have visited my page.  The worst thing about it is that I keep telling myself that this is just a number, yet I find myself wanting that number to go up.....a lot.

  Not that these things matter much to my life at all, but I would like all of your readers to keep updated on my daily life, which I should actually start updating you on.  I'm currently quite excited about tomorrow, since I don't have my normal 8o'clock early-bird-special class so that means that I get to sleep in until 9.  Yessss.  Even though I know that it isn't very late to sleep in, the thought of not having to wake up early and go listen to Mozart is bliss.  Plus, since Martin Luther King's holiday is on Monday, I also get that off!

  Now, on the downside, I have 150 pages of reading in only 1 class!  150!  Plus an extra 80 pages in my British literature class.  Then an essay where I have to stare at an inanimate object for 30 minutes and write down only what I see (if you have any suggestions on what I should stare at, please post them on this blog!).  Wow, I'm getting tired just thinking about it.  I should probably go to bed too, speaking of tired.  OK, I'm off to count sheep, but please before you go to bed tonight, think of me.  Pity me.  Pray for me.  And, most of all, thank God that you aren't the one that has to stress out over some dead person wrote 100 years ago.