Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Perfect Morning

Hello Readers,

  I just wanted to update you all on the perfect morning that I have been having.  It has been so picturesque, so perfect that it could be straight out of a movie.  Now before you start laughing at my ridiculousness at this idea of "the perfect morning", let me explain to you exactly what happened.

  All good mornings start with sleeping in.  This is a prerequisite to having a good morning in the life of a college student.  Now, some may argue that a good morning constitutes getting up early and, for example, watching the sun rise.  I concede that this also may be a good way to pass a morning, but this is why I added the phrase "in the life of a college student".  So, I woke up around 10am this morning, feeling rested and ready to start the day.  After doing my regular hygiene routine, I ripped the sheets of my bed and headed downstairs to the laundry room.  Although you may say that this looks like the start of a regular day (aka, doing work), this is a big step for me.  I only washed my sheets 2 times last semester (yes, I also cringe at that number, yet it is, sadly, true).  I am determined to be better at that this semester.  Anyways, back to the story.  Next I made myself a steaming hot cup of English breakfast tea, supplemented by generous doses of milk and honey, and taking my Norton Anthology of English Literature, I leisurely strolled down to the lounge and read William Coleridge for the next hour.  This was really the best part of my morning.  It felt freeing, yet good because this is part of my homework.

  The rest really isn't that interesting.  I took a shower, got my sheets and put them back on my bed.  There's something about the smell of newly washed linens that lifts my spirits.  Now, for the rest of the day, I will be doing various tasks which involve shopping for tights (I'm going to a Pinkus Zuckerman concert next week), spending my gift certificate to Macys, and watching another movie with my friends tonight.

  I'm predicting that today will be a good day.