Wednesday, January 16, 2008

In the beginning...

Hi peeps,

  Wow, my first blog post ever!  This is certainly a monumental moment in the history of my life, as was my first wall post on facebook or the first time that I sent a text message.  And, even though I resist these technological changes to my lifestyle, they keep on creeping in, and finally getting me addicted like the rest of America to the worthless desire that everyone in America wants to know my thoughts.  But, seriously, this blog is for the few people I tell about it, unless my writing style is much better than I think it is and this blog becomes wildly popular.  Then, I may have to pay a little more attention to my grammar.

  Anyways, it is 10:49 right now in Santa Barbara and I should be heading to bed shortly, but I was in a literary mood, having read several different renowned authors in the past couple of hours, and wanted to make my crude, yet heartfelt contribution.  I have my hardest day coming up tomorrow and I just want it to be over with already.  Selecting classes last semester, I truly thought that it would be "fun" to have two two-hour-long English classes back to back every TTH.  Not the case, as I am quickly finding out.  Although, I am not quite brimming with teenage angst, I fear that it may get to the point in the semester where it comes to collapsing on the floor in tears after realizing that your computer, containing the 6 page paper you spent a month working on, has crashed and you are now hopelessly doomed.  This is real life Tragedy (take that Romeo and Juliette!).

  Even though I should be going to bed shortly, I will make this one promise to my faithful, yet few devotees (a coterie following, if you will have it): that I will try and keep this blog up as best as I can.  I can't promise that my life and thoughts will be interesting, thought-provoking, or even just entertaining, but I can assure you that I will devote myself as best as I can to posting them on this obscure little page among the masses.  And, please, tell me your harshest critiques.  As an aspiring English major, I should be able to take them, or at least cry myself to sleep and learn from them years down the road.  OK, enough of being morbid, goodnight my fair readers, I will be updating you shortly.  Amen and goodnight!


Sandy Olson said...

wow, what an interesting blog you have Erika! Can't wait for you to enter yet another thrilling entry...

Mr. Olson said...

Inspiring! The tragedy left me breathless! I presume that by TTH you really mean TTh [I do love new words, and creative use of upper and lower case] Quack Quack!!
love, Uncle Duck