Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

Hello Readers,

  Well, I had my first celebrity citing of my time here at Santa Barbara.  Coming to Westmont, I believed that I would be seeing famous people all over the place; after all, we have Ellen DeGeneres living on the street next to us!  This, however, is not the case.  Montecito is full of college students, middle-aged balding men, and moms driving huge shiny suburbans; this is contrary to my expectations of Santa Barbara before coming to Westmont.  Ironically, it wasn't even in SB that I saw him, but after church at a little cafe called Jack's Bagels.  I was standing in line, trying to decide what type of bagel I would like my eggs on, and all of my friends start going crazy.  This went unnoticed by me for a while, as I was very wrapped up in the choice of my breakfast.  Finally, my friend Vicki was kind enough to let me know that Jack Johnson was only a couple feet away from me.  It was really cool seeing him, and even more awesome to come back and let everyone know that I had seen him in person.  haha


Sandy Olson said...

i was so excited when i saw the title of your latest post...sitting, waiting, wishing...i thought the post would most certainly be about you looking forward to my upcoming visit...sitting there thinking about what we would do...waiting patiently but wishing i were there already...oh well...that's life i

Annalise said...
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Annalise said...

Here I am, "sitting, waiting, wishing" you'd get off your lazy butt and write another post, it's been almost a month since your last one!
Love you!!!