Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tea Bag Wisdom

Dear Readers,
It's true - today I've hit a milestone. Twenty five years. Twenty five years in which I've settled and moved, been torn apart in heart and spirit and rebuilt in the steadfast love of the Lord, got lost and was found. I can honestly say that I've (at least tried) to live life to its fullest, with a few bumps in that plan along the way. I've lived to tell the tale, and more importantly, I've picked up a few tips and tricks along the way.

And that's what I'd like to share with you. I don't claim to be wise, or to have anything close to wisdom, but what I've got is 25 years under my belt. Which I'd like to think is something.

So here goes, dearest readers: Thoughts on My 25th Birthday
1. Don't Waste Your Life
    Anyone having flashbacks of trying to read John Piper's similarly titled book, or is that just me?? But it is so true readers - life slips away, so much more quickly than you think. James 4 reminds us that life is like a vapor and Solomon protests in his old age that everything is vanity. Time is short. Spend it well.

2. Get Your Priorities Straight
    I've begun to realize more and more that I'm not into politics. And as much as I wish I cared more about our country, I'm so much more concerned with the Kingdom of God than the kingdoms of the earth. Heaven and earth will pass away, will be rolled up like a garment and changed out. But the word of the Lord will never fade. And whether its office politics or world events, I know that the Lord has it all in the palm of His hand. And given the choice, I'd rather see His hand with my own eyes than know of all the events on earth.

3. Keep Learning
    One of the wisest phrases I've ever heard is "I don't know." It's my heart's desire to come to a place of humility where this phrase comes out without thought. It's so amazingly important to keep the soil of our hearts and minds soft so that the Lord can plant His word and wisdom in our hearts. If we delude ourselves into thinking we know everything, we rob ourselves of valuable seeds. Wisdom doesn't come from debasing ourselves, but rather thanking more highly of others. Everyone has something to give. So receive. But remember to chew the meat and spit out the bones.

And there you have it. And if you're thinking to yourself, only three thoughts? Remember - I'm only 25.