Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Dear Readers,
Today I finished my third consecutive day of working at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf in Carpinteria. While its not the most glamorous job, I decided to take it for a couple of reasons: 1. I want experience handling food 2. I don't want a stressful job and 3. I want FREE COFFEE! And the perks of this job only go as far as that, although I think I get $15 a month to purchase on store items. I first wanted a French Press, but after trying it today, I think I'm going to stick with plain coffee flavored with tons of cream - or a Chai tea latte (best thing EVER!).

So what haven't I learned how to do? Make a latte! Can you believe it? It seems like such a basic thing, but actually lattes are more complicated than the iced blended drinks because you have to deal with steam, which can be really scary. Plus, getting the milk to foam perfectly is quite an art (one that I'm beginning to master though). Espresso goes bad after 30 seconds, so you have to be really quick about serving it or putting it in a drink. I haven't even been told about different powders or syrups (maybe tomorrow...)

But more importantly, I'm learning. And as my boss always tells me: Its just coffee. No pressure.


Anonymous said...

Erika, I'm sure you're a coffeemaker master!

I miss you friend!

Anonymous said...

Update your blog!