Sunday, March 28, 2010

For Easter

Dearest Readers,
Its palm Sunday! Yay! I didn't realize this until my Italian phrase-a-day calendar told me that todays word is "alleliua". I thought to myself "That's a strange word," and then it dawned upon me - my Italian phrase-a-day people are clever. heh heh. Anyway, here's a poem to commemorate this upcoming week. The story behind this poem, like so many of my recent poems, is that I had to write it. I have to do this project for my New Testament class where I create something (aka, a poem!) having to do with a Biblical text, then write a review on why I did this and blah blah blah. The point is, I have a new poem, and I actually really like how it turned out. Looking for inspiration, I stumbled on a William Carlos William poem that I really like. Hence, I stole the format he used and decided to condense my images into just a few.

One disclaimer: I just finished this poem. Therefore, its in its super-rough phase, but sometimes poems are the best like that. Besides, wouldn't you like to have it before Easter, since it turns out that I accidentally wrote a poem on the Easter story?

The Resurrection
Matthew 27:50-52

No one could
the blackened sky,

a black like burnt wood.
And then
the cry stabbed through

that black, a curtain
with purple velvet

ripping just like the sky
and the graves
bursting forth with people,

their sweaty, grimy bodies
the streets, bones rattling

the blackened cobblestones
that Augustus
had worked so hard to standardize.


Bailey said...

I don't have anything really intellectual to say, but I really like it!

Sandy Olson said...

this is good...i especially liked the last line about the cobblestone streets...anything of man pales to the mighty resurrection power of our Lord!