Monday, February 11, 2013

What to do with Love

OK, here's a sonnet I just wrote. It's not quite traditional, although I'm not quite traditional so I feel like it works. Let me just say - its in the starting phases, and I don't know if it will ever get past that, but I couldn't get to sleep tonight because the Holy Spirit was just super heavy tonight and after an encounter like that I always have trouble sleeping. Sigh. But here's the fruit!!

With words I paint a symphony of love.
Wrap form and phrase around pictures of what
the rise and fall of breathe and life above
the sky, where you and I will meet and cut
along the edge of what boundary means.
With ones and twos and threes, we come along
paths together to discover the things 
that were meant to be said and told so long
ago. That you carry my heart with yours,
wrap me with love so thick the weight burdens
my heart for this cold world, with it’s sores
so deep and cruel that only fools so yearn
for redemption. But that is what your love will do.
Change hearts and minds and souls with truth. 


Sandy Olson said...

I am glad to see that you are writing on your blog beautiful!