Friday, April 25, 2008

Martha, Martha, Martha!

Hello Readers,
I know that it has been a long time since I've written; and this sentence is giving me the strange sense of deja vu. Hmmm. Well, on other matters, it has been quite a good year for me. I'm sad to see it go, it seems like time is a thread slipping through my fingers, going just faster and faster while I can see it spinning on. My last class was yesterday, my last and only final is on Monday. Then, only a short time passes (3 days) and I'll be back at school. Yes, I know, its a travesty, but it can't be helped. College choir is singing at the graduation and they need my voice. Sigh.

To share some better news with you, gentle reader, I auditioned for the musical being produced next year. It's called "The Secret Garden", you have probably heard of it, its a famous children's book/movie. Well, I got the audition results late last night: I'm Martha, Mary's chambermaid. It's a pretty big part and I get a couple of songs that I get to sing, so I'm really excited. It's actually the part that I hoped for. I also found out that I got a music scholarship yesterday, which just puts some more money in the bank. :0)

Well, I've got to start getting ready to go out tonight, its our last time at juvenile hall tonight and we're leaving at 7. Peace and love!


Mr. Olson said...

Congratulations Martha!!!

Quack Quack!!